"The Hidden Dreamer's Cry": Natural Forces As Point-Of-View One Who Became lost, Marilyn Bowering. Fiddlehead Poetry Books, 1976.
Now, A Thousand years From Now, Harold Enrico This tiny book by Harold Enrico, Now, A thousand years from now, contains three very fine poems, and a number of moderately good poems.
Robin Skelton's A Poets Calling: Some Not Uncommon Myths I do not agree with the major points of Robin Skelton's scholarly and
Be Bold, Be Bold, Be Not Too Bold: The Subject in Poetry, Borderlands by Don Gutteridge, Selected Poems by Rona Murray and Breath of the Snow Leopard by J. Michael Yates It is not quite true to say a poet can write about any subject. There are perhaps
Magic Animals, Selected Poems Old and New by Gwendolyn MacEwen Gwendolyn MacEwen's verse is always entertaining. She writes sympathetically