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Congratulations and Exciting News about Fiddlehead Contributors

Congratulations to Alexander MacLeod! 

His collection of short stories, Light Lifting(Biblioasis)won the Margaret and John Savage First Book Award at the Atlantic Book Awards. The story, “Wonder About Parents,” which appeared in The Fiddlehead 245 (Autumn 2010), is from that collection.

Congratulations to Sheila McClarty! 

Her short fiction collection High Speed Crow (Oberon) won Eileen McTavish Sykes Award for Best First Book at Manitoba Book Awards. Two stories, “The Government Ditch” and “Stolen,” from that collection appeared in The Fiddlehead in issues no. 242 (Winter 2010) and 246 (Winter 2011).

Holly Luhning, who wrote The Fiddlehead blog posting “Documentary Fiction and The Death of Donna Whalen” recently had her new novel Quiver reviewed on MSNBC Today Books’ website.

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