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The Fiddlehead 247 is Out!

Here in New Brunswick, there are signs of spring everywhere, the snow is rapidly becoming a distant memory, the fiddlehead ferns are popping up along the riverbanks, and The Fiddlehead contest issueno. 247 – is out!

In addition to wonderful poems and stories from the contest, you will also find stories from Michael Laverty and Diana Swennes Smith and poems from Cory Brown, Geoffrey Cook, Ricardo Pau-Llosa, Kim Trainor, Melissa Walker, and Darryl Whetter among others. There are also reviews of books authored by Robert Bringhurst, Chris Hutchinson, Vanessa Moeller, Michael Eden Reynolds, and Terence Young. The cover artwork is from Glenn Priestley’s "The Hill," which was commissioned in 2010 for the University of New Brunswick's C.C. Jones Student Services Centre by the Art for New Spaces Committee.

Pick a copy today and join the celebration!

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