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Kwame Dawes Pens Olympic Poetry

Former Fiddlehead Editiorial Assistant Kwame Dawes (now Professor of English at the University of Nebraska and Editor of Prairie Schooner) kept busy during the recent Winter Olympics by writing poetry inspired by the events for the Wall Street Journal.

Here's an excerpt from his poem "Ode to Canada's Hockey Team," inspired by Canada's 1-0 win over the U.S. in the semi-final game, with a nod to Fredericton:

But do you know what it means to Canadians?
I mean, do you really know what it means?
Like how I nearly got my head bashed
in for saying I did not know what the big
deal was when I lived up there in Freddybeach . . .

Follow this link to read the whole poem, which includes references to Wayne Gretzky, Tim Horton, and the Miramichi!

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