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Congrats to Recent Contributors!

Congrats to recent contributors Emily Skov-Nielsen (poem in Spring 2015, No. 263, review in Autumn 2016, No. 269), Robin Richardson (poems in Winter 2014, No. 258), and Kate Finegan (story in Spring 2017, No. 271) who are on The Puritan's 6th annual Thomas Morton Memorial Prize longlist! Skov-Nielsen and Richardson are on the poetry list, and Finegan is on the fiction list. 

Congrats to several recent contributors who were among the 33 writers on the CBC Poetry Prize Longlist! Tammy Armstrong (Spring 2017, No. 271), Claire Kelly (Winter 2016, No. 266), and rob mclennan (Spring 2015, No. 263).

And super congratulations to Eden Robinson (most recently in our Summer Fiction 2017 issue, No. 272), who was awarded a Writers' Trust of Canada $50,000 Fellowship!

And finally, Mike White's poetry collection, Addendum to a Miracle, won the 12th annual Anthony Hecht Poetry Prize, judged by Gjertrud Schnackenberg. Two of the poems in the book were published in WInter 2005, No. 226. 

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