1 Brian Thomas Doyle: The Bird Watchers
9 Elizabeth Bartlett: Diary
10 Eric Sellin: Two Poems
12 Charles Farber: The Windows
14 Hermann Hesse: August Ends
15 Rainer Maria Rilke (trans. K. W. Maurer): The Steps of the Orangery
16 Alden A. Nowlan: Seven Poems
21 Willis Eberman: The Response
22 Geoffrey Holloway: Age, Poverty
23 Robert S. Sward: The Kiss
24 John Robert Colombo: Seven Poems
29 Fred Cogswell: An Unrelease
30 Joan Finnigan: Richmond Town
31 Lenore Pratt: Snapshot
32 Peter Scott: Three Poems
35 William Hall: The Aquarium
36 Edith Ogutsch: Three Poems
39 Gil Orlovitz: Two Poems
40 James Binney: Two Poems
42 Alden Nowlan: A Red Carpet for the Sun, Irving Layton
45 Desmond Pacey: The Cruising Auk, George Johnston
Sonata for Frog and Man, Peter Miller
46 Allan Donaldson: A Darkness in the Earth, Alden Nowlan
47 Contributors
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