Masks Masks of papiermache, leather, wood, gold leaf, feathers, cloth, metal and other mixed media. "South, the Turtel," from the Great Wheel Series; "The Little Match Girl," Anderson Series; Michael, Archangel Series; Gawyn, Perseval Series.
Pulcinella from The Stravinsky Series. Mask. Papiermache, leather, and mixed media. 17" x 9". Collection of the artist.
Symphony of Psalms from The Stravinsky Series. Mask, Papiermache and mixed media. 17" x 9" Collection of the artist.
Vase Narrow-necked, globular vase. Copper red, reduction fired, 17.5 x 11.3 cm. Collection of Erica Deichmann Gregg. Photo by Keith Minchin
Racines deracinees (Uprooted Roots) 1992. Limestone from Jura, France, limestone from Indiana, USA and oxidized iron. 199 x 46 x 25 cm.
various all encaustic on wood: Semele (28" x 18"), Akhenaton (24" x 21"), Jimi Hendrix III (35" x 23"), charioteer (73" x 22")