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Excerpt from "Jamais Vu" by Julia Williams

Excerpt from Issue 300 (Summer Fiction 2024)

"Jamais Vu" by Julia Williams

They agreed that birthdays were ridiculous once you got past thirteen. Ditto Christmas. Instead, they developed a system of generalized reciprocity — a two-person Kula Ring, Amelia called it — swapping gifts only on holidays like Shrove Tuesday or St. Patrick’s Day.

Mildred’s sixteenth birthday — four months to the day after Amelia’s — they would observe by sneaking into the worst bar in the city. Which bar this was, they hadn’t decided. Until now.

Jennifer Houle Reviews Entre Rive and Shore by Dominique Bernier-Cormier

To kiss the hybrid future à travers un voile

Entre Rive and Shore, Dominique Bernier-Cormier. icehouse poetry, 2023.

Tout d’abord: wow. These were the first words that came to mind en mijotant sur how and where to begin a review of Dominique Bernier-Cormier’s multigenre, multi-temporal and dimensional, highly allusive, bilingual+ Entre Rive and Shore...


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