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Current Issue: No. 298

Manahil Bandukwala: Love as a Driving Force. Rewview of A Dream Wants Waking by Lydia Kwa

Love as a Driving Force by Manahil Bandukwala

A Dream Wants Waking, Lydia Kwa. Wolsak & Wynn, 2023

Lydia Kwa’s A Dream Wants Waking promises a dreamlike narrative through its title and cover, and the short novel certainly delivers. The book opens with a list of characters from the past timeline in Tang China from 644-904 CE and the present timeline of Luoyang in 2219 CE. Told through short chapters that switch back and forth at a rapid pace, Kwa immediately immerses the reader into both timelines of the story.

Kirby: Nestle In Words Like An Animal: The Poetic G/Rasp of Tongue, Throat, and Mouth in G. Review of G by Klara du Plessis & Khashayar “Kess” Mohammadi

Nestle In Words Like An Animal: The Poetic G/Rasp of Tongue, Throat, and Mouth in by Kirby

G, Klara du Plessis & Khashayar “Kess” Mohammadi. Palimpsest Press, 2023.

First, let’s talk about the design/packaging of this book.

It’s exquisite. The colour palette, fonts, printed endpapers, on signature Coach House zephyr, readable text on the page. A book you want to pick up, hold, caress with the eyes and the touch. Congrats to in-house designer Ellie Hastings, editor Jim Johnstone, and publisher Aimee Parent Dunn. Finery.

An Interview with Shirley Harshenin

Editorial Assistant Rosie Leggot's Interview with Shirley Harshenin whose story "Readiness Quiz" was published in Issue 298 (Winter 2024)

Rosie Leggot: As a person who answered a majority of B answers and has a love-hate relationship with everything I write, I sincerely appreciated the honesty in this piece. I could not help but be reminded of the continual projects assigned as exposure therapy. 


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