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The 2011 Maritime Writers’ Workshops

Interested in writing? Going to be in Fredericton during the first week of July? Then you might want to consider attending the 2011 Maritime Writers’ Workshops. One of Canada’s oldest and most established events for aspiring writers, the Maritime Writers’ Workshops, is open to all and runs from July 4 – 8 on the campus of the University of New Brunswick. You can sign up for a whole week’s worth of workshops or just sign up for individual day or evening sessions.

Workshops range non-fiction, creative or popular fiction, mystery writing, writing for kids and teens, getting started, nature writing, blogging, e-publishing, memoir writing, and more. The instructors include children’s author ShereeFitch, The Fiddlehead’s own fiction editor Mark Jarman, CBC broadcaster and non-fiction author Bob Mersereau, and librarian and blogger Sue Fisher.

For more information go to the 2011 Maritime Writers' Workshop website.


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