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Congratulations to our 2024 Fiction Contest Winner, Luanne Gauvreau!

We're excited to announce that Luanne Gauvreau is the winner of our 2024 Fiction Contest and $2000 prize! Her story "Roses for Bodies" will be featured in the upcoming Winter issue of The Fiddlehead (FH 302).

Luanne Gauvreau lives in Ottawa where she is a writer and editor, in body and spirit. “Roses for Bodies” is drawn from a novel in progress exploring the nature of work and art in a world so in need of real action. 

2024 Fiction Contest Shortlist!

The Fiddlehead is excited to announce the finalists of our 2024 Fiction Contest, judged by Zilla Jones! The winner of the $2000 contest prize will be announced in January and the winning essay will appear in the Winter 2025 issue (302). Thank you to all who entered and congratulations to the following fifteen finalists!

Elisabeth Harvor (1936-2024)

We were saddened to learn about the recent passing of Elisabeth Harvor on October 8. Though she lived in Ottawa for a long time, she was born in New Brunswick, growing up on the Kingston Peninsula. Her parents were the renowned Deichmann potters (ceramic tiles made by them can be found in front of a fireplace in The Fiddlehead office). Over the years, we have published her work numerous times: by our count, 5 stories and 7 poems (see list below).

2023 Ralph Gustafson Poetry Contest Shortlist Announced!

The Fiddlehead is pleased to announce the finalists of our 2023 Ralph Gustafson Poetry Contest, judged by Kirby, Sadiqa de Meiher, and Rebecca Salazar! The winner of the $2000 contest prize will be announced in early April 2024 and the winning poem will appear in the Spring 2024 issue (299). Thank you to all who entered and congratulations to the following fifteen finalists!


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