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Books Received Recently

Here's a picture of the recent books received at the office. What are you most looking forward to reading? Tell us! Go to the comment field below (or to Facebook or Twitter)!

Amanda Jernigan, Years, Months, and Days (Biblioasis)
Kayla Geitzler, That Light Feeling Under Your Feet (NeWest Press)
Nicholas Bradley, Rain Shadow (University of Alberta Press)
Judith Love, Watershed (Rock's Mill Press)
Suzanne Zelazo, Lances All Alike (Coach House)
Patrick Friesen, Songen (Mother Tongue Publishing)
Alice Major, Welcome to the Antrhopocene (University of Alberta Press)
Adam Dickinson, Anatomic (Coach House)
Rachel Lebowitz, The Year of No Summer (Biblioasis)
Daniel Heath Justice, Why Indigenous Literatures Matter (Wilfred Laurier University Press)
Gilmour Walker, Provoked By Gilgamesh (Ronsdale Press)
Richard Sanger, Dark Woods (Biblioasis)
David Martin, Tar Swan (NeWest Press)
E.D. Blodgett, Songs for Dead Children (University of Alberta Press)
Elisabeth de Mariaffi, Hysteria (HarperCollins)

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