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Cassidy Menard's Music Recommendation

Cassidy Menard's Music Recommendation:

As we settle into our sophomore year of the pandemic, we need to pay close attention to the wave—by which, of course, I mean Montreal singer-songwriter Patrick Watson’s 2019 album Wave. Unlike its viral counterpart, Wave is a symphonic delight. It grooves and it soars, and makes the theremin sound like a headbanger. I caught one of its songs on the radio this February and it has since emerged a favourite, front to back. Personal highlights include “Dream for Dreaming” (picture grief and dogs), “Drive” (I listen to it on the treadmill, on the verge of sleep, while at work), and "Here Comes the River" (if a swing set were a song).   

Cassidy Menard was born and raised in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. She graduated from the University of Victoria with a bachelor’s degree in writing and served as a fiction intern on the editorial board of The Malahat Review. Her work was recently published in Grain and her story "Good Ash" was featured in The Fiddlehead's 2021 Summer Fiction issue


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