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Fiddlehead Editors and Contributors in the News

Congratulations to a pile of Fiddlehead editors and contributors on their recent successes.

Poetry Editor Ian LeTourneau was recently named the City of Fredericton's Cultural Laureate. According to the city's press release, "The position may have a focus on different arts disciplines periodically but it was determined that the inaugural laureate will be a poet laureate in recognition of Fredericton’s literary heritage and it’s designation as the Poet’s Corner of Canada. Mr. LeTourneau will compose and present poems for 4-6 official City of Fredericton events per year. He will collaborate with the Fredericton Public Library on programs to engage children and adults. The laureate is also expected to support and raise the profile of Fredericton’s vibrant artistic community and heritage and reach out to a broad audience through public appearances and outreach activities."

Poetry Editor Rebecca Salazar recently published an essay at The Partisan that examines the juncture of the personal and the political. You can read it here.

Fiction editor Gerard Beirne has a story published at Numèro Cinq that also appears in his brand new book of stories, In a Time of Drought and Hunger (Oberon, 2015). You can read "What a River Remembers of its Course" here.

And finally, Danny Jacobs, former editorial assistant and past contributor, has just won Prism International's Non-fiction prize for his piece "Ghostly Transmissions from John D. Rockefeller." It will be published in their Spring issue.

Congrats to all!

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