Rebecca Rustin's Music Recommendation:
Dear Silas, Plus Ultra
Been listening to a lot of music lately on long walks. An IG mutual posted something about the Mississippi artist, Dear Silas. I went to listen and he’s such a witty, gentle spirit. His most recent album is Plus Ultra, a nice follow-up to The Last Cherry Blossom. It’s short and sweet, he has an alternately flirty, reflective and playful flow, he’ll mix up the tempo, throw in anime and pop culture references, and the production makes interesting use of both silence and unexpected flourishes. Something instructive and health-inducing in the vibe of it, like 'here is a mode of thoughtfulness, use as needed.' I appreciate an extra modality, even if it's just to make my way down the block. Especially the long kind. Also, "You is smart but your booty stupid" seems like goals and has a cogito-like clarity that I really admire.
Rebecca Rustin writes and ghostwrites internet and sometimes textbook copy, translates things from French to English, and loves trashy reality TV. Poems appear in PRISM, various rob mclennan outlets, the Rahila's Ghost chapbook Mercy Tax, and elsewhere. Her poem "A Little Learning" was published in the Spring 2022 issue of The Fiddlehead.
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