The irony behind the “Doodling for Writers” catchphrase, “If you can write, you can draw” is that I was introduced to this book during a workshop I took because I was in a slump and could not write. My need to create pushed me to explore alternate means of expression, which led me to a comics workshop and this book.
Accompanied with the book’s introductory chapter is a cartoon of a cat laden with bags bearing the labels “Failure Fears,” “Success Fears,” and “Fear of the New,” and an eager-looking dog asking, “Were we supposed to bring our baggage?”
I am the cat. But I want to be the dog.
“Drawing is taking a line for a walk” writes the author and is demonstrated with a drawing of a fella walking an array of curvy, jaggedy, raggedy, scribbly, and jiggly leashed lines.
The author’s hilariously relevant comics accompany lessons and prompts throughout, creating an at-ease learning environment, and encouraging a fearless perfectionism-free romp across sketchbook pages.
Through the process of learning to draw, (stick figure sketches, let’s be real), laid out so entertainingly simple by the author, I was able to let go of the angst snarking in my ear, “What’s wrong with you? Writing is your life, so write!” and allow myself to play.
I doodle scribble loop and link random words, notes, and images all the time, a means to assist my ADHD brain retain information. “Doodling for Writers” tapped into that visual part of my brain and inspired me to delve into a new world of story-telling curiosities and explore ways to incorporate this doodling habit into my “writing.” The results? An explosion of ideas, including a visual essay and a hybrid essay that merges words and drawings that I am super excited about.
Rebecca Fish Ewan’s writing is inviting, encouraging, and often hilarious. I highly recommend this book. For writers, non-writers, and writers experiencing writers’ block.
— Shirley Harshenin lives in the Okanagan Valley, BC. She believes in angels, caffeine, and the human spirit’s extraordinary resilience. Her work has been published in Room, Contrary Magazine, Nailed, and others. She won National Magazine Awards 2023 Gold-Medal in “One of a Kind Storytelling” category. www.shirleyharshenin.ca
You can find Shirley Harshenin's story "Readiness Quiz" Issue 298 Winter 2024. Order the issue now:
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