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Stop!Look!Listen! R. M. Fradkin's Reading Recommendation

I've been enjoying R. K. Narayan's retelling of The Mahabarata, much condensed from the full epic. It maintains the basic structure and themes, with a cheeky voice, occasionally nodding to the improbability of the events narrated. Highly recommended for anyone dipping their toes into the world of Indian epic.   

— R. M. Fradkin has short fiction published or forthcoming in Terrain, Cherry TreeCleaver Magazine, and SAND Journal, among others. One of her stories was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She just finished her MFA at Oregon State University and is at work on a novel set in an experimental forest.

You can find R. M. Fradkin’s story "Costs of Megan’s Wedding" in Issue 299 Spring 2024. Order the issue now: