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Upcoming Readings by Fiddlehead contributors

The Confederation Centre Public Library in Charlottetown hosts book launches by Fiddlehead contributors M. Travis Lane and Zachariah Wells. Lane launches her new book, Crossover (Cormorant), her fifteenth, and Wells is launching his third book, Sum (Biblioasis) on May 9 at 2pm. Lane was featured in a special retrospective in last summer's poetry issue (no. 260), and Wells' most recent contribution was in No. 251 (Spring 2012).

M. Travis Lane’s poetry has always been diverse: variously serious, silly, melancholy, cheerful, meditative, witty, philosophical, enigmatic, colloquial, intimate, simple, complex. Though her concerns are often feminist, environmental, civic, and political, her poems transcend such labels. Crossover is her fifteenth collection.

With homages to Hopkins, Graves, Wisława Szymborska, Paul Muldoon, and more, and in allusion-dappled, playfully sprung stanzas, Sum, the third book from poet and critic Zachariah Wells both wears its influences openly and spins a sound texture all its own, in a collection far greater than its parts.


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