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WFNB hosts WordsFall November 4-5

The Writers' Federation of New Brunswick will hold its annual WordsFall 2016 in Shediac on November 4-5. Friday evening events are at the historic Shediac Railway Station. Saturday’s professional development workshops are at the Shediac Multipurpose Centre.

Registration fee for the weekend, including all professional development sessions, lunch and coffee breaks is $85 for members and $110 for non-members. Deadline for registration is November 3rd.

Come prepared to share and read your work, have fun, and learn! Bring your books to sell. There will be tables in the Railway Station Friday night, and at the Multipurpose Centre Saturday.

Terry Armstrong will offer a workshop on self-publishing, focused on marketing. You’ll write a synopsis of and tagline for your project, come up with book cover concepts and titles, and ‘workshop’ these ideas in the group. This is a follow-up to the session Terry offered at WordSpring in Miramichi, but is also a great introduction for anyone wanting to know more about self-publishing.

WFNB member and author Chuck Bowie will host a session on what it takes to find, work with, and pitch to small publishers.

NB actor Rebekah Chassé will help you improve your reading before a live audience, using classical acting techniques. 

For more information or to register, please visit WFNB's website

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