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What The Fiddlehead Editors Have Been Up To

The Fiddlehead's editors have been quite active lately. Fiction editor Gerard Beirne has been shortlisted for Short Story of the Year as part of the 2016 Irish Book Awards. His story, What a River Remembers of its Course, was published by Numero Cinq Magazine. The winners will be announced on Wednesday, November 16. 

Poetry editor Rebecca Salazar has recently celebrated the publication of a chapbook, Guzzle, from Anstruther Press. It has already gone to its second printing. 


And poetry editor Ian LeTourneau, fresh off a reading at the Bowery Poetry Club in New York City, reads this Sunday as part of the Odd Sundays reading series. He'll share the stage with UNB Writer-in-Residence Rabindranath Maharaj. The reading takes place at Corked Wine Bar at 2pm, Sunday, October 30. 

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