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Zerrin Darnell-Martin's Reading Recommendation

For a plane ride or a day sitting by a crowded pee-infested pool, I recommend Trevor Noah's  biography Born A Crime. It is an easy read, but it does something that I think is powerful and should be celebrated more often: it uses humour to deal with life's most harrowing situations. He brilliantly takes the shit that life has thrown his way and turns it into the poo emoji. 

And for when you want to take a candle lit lavender epsom salt bath and listen to a sultry British alternative R&B singer (try a chap named Rationale), I recommend revisiting James Baldwin. I recently read his collection Jimmy's Blues and Other Poem and devoured Giovanni's Room, a story of a man who runs away to Paris but never escapes himself. 

Trevor Noah, Rational and James Baldwin: guess you could say black men are rocking my world these days. 

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