5 Fred Bonnie: Extreme Unction
16 D. J. Cohen: Mrs. Mintz House for Sale
44 Abraham Boyarsky: The President
61 Marcel Bénéteau: Three Visions of The Madonna
86 Pamela Bush: The Rites of Spring
99 Suzanne McConnell: The Disposal
25 Ralph Gustafson: Two Poems
26 Robert Hawkes: Three Poems
31 Bob Kirby: Two Poems
33 Mary Willis: Two Poems
34 Russell M. Brown: The Organ Master Concludes His Recital
35 Timothy Shay: He Unpacks Hometown Ghosts
72 Raymond Souster: Pictures From A Long-Lost World
76 Donald Guravich: The Blue Room
77 Ed Jewinski: Three Poems
79 Bruce Falconer: Two Poems
81 Shawn Thompson: Three Poems
83 Derk Wynand: Two Poems
108 Stephen Luxton: Self-Portrait With Stronger Glasses
109 Michael Cameron: Portrait of a Wolverine
111 Ants Reigo: Argument
113 Rod Willmot: Five Poems
118 Cyril Dabydeen: All This Mourning
119 Julie McNeill: Fogo
123 Robert Burns: Medevwillin
127 Michael Taylor: Bear, Marian Engel
130 Fred Cogswell: The Singletree, Leona Gom
Liturgies, Frederick Candelaria
132 M. Travis Lane: Now, A Thousand Years From Now, Harold Enrico
134 Gillian Davies: Tales from the Uncertain Country, Jacques Ferron, trans. Betty Bednarski
138 Stan Dragland: In Search of Owen Roblin, Al Purdy
143 Mary Lund: Inside The Easter Egg, Marian Engel
Sketches by Marian Wells
147 Contributors
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