16 Allistair MacLeod: The Closing Down of Summer
33 Bas van Frassen: The Next Song
48 Erika Ritter: A Quiet Little Dinner
62 Peter Crowell: Michael In Branches
89 Edna Alford: The Hoyer
102 Anne Slomka: Down Elmyra's Road
5 Pier Giorgio Di Cicco: Two Poems
7 David Andrus: Two Poems
9 H. C. Dillow: Two Poems
11 Michael Todd: In the World
13 Elizabeth Jones: Stations of the Cross
37 David McFadden: The Night Watchman
38 David Waltner-Toews: Two Poems
39 Michael Brian Oliver: Easter
40 Joseph Sherman: Four Poems
44 Albert Frank Moritz: Three Poems
71 Roland Burns: Two Poems
73 Eugene McNamara: Two Poems
75 Marilyn Bowering: Two Poems
78 Rienzi Crusz: Elegy for the Children Going
79 Robert Burns: Joseph
82 Tom Wayman: Two Poems
119 Anthony S. Brennan: Fitting A Square Peg Into No Hole
Andre Tom MacGregor, Betty Wilson
121 Michael Brian Oliver: In the Gutting Shed, W. D. Valgardson
The Sad Truths, John Robert Colombo
The Fire Eaters, Gwendolyn MacEwan
127 Michael Taylor: Blood Ties, David Adams Richards
130 R. P. Bilan: The Butterfly Ward, Margaret Gibson Gilboord
132 Dermot McCarthy, The Man Who Lived Near Nelligan, Lazar Sarna
134 M. Travis Lane: Making Canadian History
War and other measures, Gary Geddes
139 M. Travis Lane: Cat and Dog
Anacrusis, David Solway
Poems Only A Dog Could Love, John B. Lee
143 Fred Cogswell: Growing Up in Minby, Lloyd H. Person
Sketches by Arlee Barr
144 Contributors
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