23 Eric Trethewey: One More Passage to India
60 Clare Beghtol: Under the Skin
69 Morgan Martin: West to the City of Lights
93 F. W. Watt: Revenge
104 W. D. Valgardson: December Bargaining
6 Salli Ritch-Smith: Summer Farm Worker, Once She Was
7 Glen Sorestad: Two Poems
11 Ken Watson: Two Poems
14 Paul Cook: Six Poems
17 Kim Maltman: Two Poems
19 Deirdre Ballantyne: Two Poems
20 Alan Kennedy: Simple Enough
43 Audrey Conard: Sabrina Now
44 Don Sawyer: Chuckie
45 Giles Slade: Two Poems
47 C. M. Buckaway: Two Poems
49 Lorna Uher: Berry Picking
51 Sharon Nelson: Two Poems
55 Michael Harris: Five Poems
77 Claude Liman: Dying in the Garden
79 R. Filter: Dynamo
81 Carolyn Zonailo: Two Poems
83 Ted Kulik: Two Poems
85 Marty Gervais: Lessons
88 Sharon Olds: Two Poems
89 Bryan Doubt: Two Poems
117 Laurence Hutchman: Two Poems
119 Janice Blue-Zwarts: Two Poems
121 Craig Rogers: Beachsong
125 Judith Johnson Sherwin: On the Porch of the Traveler's Rest
127 Andy Bartlett: Four Poems
133 Wilfred Crude: The Truth Was Not Convincing
Lady Oracle, Margaret Atwood
138 Anthony Brennan: Moore at the Grindstone
The Doctor's Wife, Brian Moore
141 Kent Thompson: Farthing's Fortunes, Richard B. Wright
143 John Mills: The Swing In the Garden, Hugh Hood
The Drubbing of Nesterenko and First Loves, Hanford Woods
147 Ian Burgess: Language of Fire: Poems of Love and Struggle, Robin Mathews
Even yr photograph looks afraid of me, Artie Gold
151 Sam Solecki: Heaven's Door, Gregory Grace
Name, Seymour Mayne
Bonding of Bone, W. K. Thomas
156 M. Travis Lane, The Hidden Dreamer's Cry: Natural Force as Point-of-View
One Who Became Lost, Marilyn Bowering
Arranging the Gallery, Theresa Kishkan
161 Gillian Davies: Revoir Ethel, Claude Jasmin, ed. Alain Stanké
The Madman, the Kite and the Island, Felix Leclerc, trans. Philip Stratford
Sketches by Karol Schweiger
165 Contributors
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