6 Cyril Dabydeen: Bitter Blood
16 Ruth Rifka: Stewed Chicken Night
46 Olive MacKay Petersen: It's Up to You
51 Brian Bartlett: Glimpses in the Fields
81 David Adams Richards: Safe in the Arms
24 Deborah Godin: Two Poems
26 Allan Brown: Two Poems
29 August Kleinzahler: Four Poems
34 H. W. Connor: Two Poems
35 Janice Blue-Zwarts: The Accident Recalled
36 Eric Ivan Berg: Rough on Stone— The Cariboo Dead
37 Fred Cogswell: Motion is Meaning
38 John Maxfield: Death
39 Margo Swiss: Two Poems
41 M. Travis Lane: Five Poems
66 Tom Wayman: Two Poems
70 Brian Henderson: Four Poems
73 Perry Taylor: Conversation with the Painter
74 N. E. Howard Baker: Power
76 David Brooks: Heart's Unicorn
78 Len Gasparini: Elegy
123 Michael Taylor: World of Wonders, Robertson Davies
126 Jon Kertzer: Coming Through Slaughter, Michael Ontaatje
129 John Mills: The Seventh Hexagram, Ian McLachlan
132 Guy Hamel: So Free We Seem, Jamie Brown
134 Robert Gibbs: The Lady and the Travelling Salesman, Leo Simpson
138 Robert Gibbs: The Self of Loss: New and Selected Poems, Dorothy Roberts
143 Douglas Barbour: God's Odd Look, Gail Fox
The White City, Tom Marshall
147 David R. Scherzer: Daydream Daughter, Catherine Firestone
150 Edward Mullaly: Frankenstein: The Play, Alden Nowlan and Walter Learning
Frankenstein: The Novel, Mary Shelley
153 Bill Bauer: Just Looking, Thank You, Philip Marchand
Sketches by Robert Faltin
156 Contributors
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