27 Leon Rooke: Oral History: The Deacon's Tale
40 Elizabeth Brewster: The Letters
63 Theresa Kishkan: Sketches for a Story
Mid Winter
67 D. J. Kushner: The Scientist's Wife
97 Alexandre Amprimoz: Good-bye Bibi
3 Andrew Bartlett: Six Poems
11 Wayne MacPhail: A Lay for the Signs and Sea Birds
18 Rosemary Blake: Letters to My Father
22 Marilyn Bowering: Three Poems
25 Don Conway: Two Poems
48 Sharon Berg: Tongues
49 Jane Urquhart: Two Poems
51 Catherine A. Crosby: Two Poems
53 C. M. Buckaway: Two Poems
55 Rhea Tregebov: Quetzel
57 Heather Barclay: Two Poems
58 Patricia Jasper: Intimations
59 Cathy Ford: Two Poems
61 Mary J. Serguine: Surf Spoke to Me
62 Emily Sion: The Plank
80 Kristjana Gunnars: Two Poems
83 Nancy Taylor: Old Lady in Her Garden
84 Clare Beghtol: Three Poems
88 Marc Hudson: Picture Stone
91 Suzanne Collins: Three Poems
94 Leona Gom: Cow
109 Tom Wayman: The Kitsilano Train
111 Susan Glickman: Two Poems
112 Michael Pacey: Three Poems
114 Kim Maltman: Three Poems
117 Mark Frutkin: Five Poems
125 Michael Taylor: Who Do You Think You Are?, Alice Munro
127 Anthony S. Brennan: I've Always Felt Sorry for Decimals, Robert Gibbs
At Peace, Ann Copeland
The Bannonbridge Musicians, Raymond Fraser
131 John Mills: No More Into the Garden, David Watmough
Making Arrangements, Robert Hawlow
134 Gwendolyn Davies: Concentric Circles, George Bowering
A Short Sad Book, George Bowering
Protective Footwear, George Bowering
136 Stephen Scobie: Journal, bp Nichol
139 Douglas Barbour, Two-Headed Poems, Margaret Atwood
143 Michael Brian Oliver, Death of A Lady's Man, Leonard Cohen
146 Eric Trethewey, At Marsport Drugstore, Al Purdy
A Handful of Earth, Al Purdy
Being Alice: Poems 1958-78, Al Purdy
149 M. Travis Lane: Selected Poems, Robert MacLean
153 Paul McNally: Soviet Poems, Ralph Gustafson
The Journey Back and Other Poems, Christopher Levenson
Sounding, E. D. Blodgett
Letters of State, Lazar Sarna
157 David S. West: Sparks, Michael Harris
Grace, Michael Harris
161 Fred Cogswell: Poets of the Capital: II, eds. Glenn Clever and Frank Tierney
163 Gillian Davies: The Fugitive, Marie-Claire Blais
165 Contributors
Sketches by Christan Nicholson
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