3 Leon Rooke: Standing in for Nita
34 Miriam Waddington: Breaking Bread in Jerusalem
45 Philip Milner: The Man Who Loved Mrs. Norman Torque
69 Joel Yanofsky: Saving Grace
17 Tom Wayman: Two Poems
21 Ellen Siegel Wolfe: Two Poems
23 Neil Cole: Three Poems
26 Gordon Turner: Two Poems
28 Allan Cooper: Three Poems
30 Mark Lowey: Two Poems
51 M. Joan MacLeod: Three Poems
55 Jeffery Donaldson: Three Poems
57 Garry Raddysh: Five Poems
60 Lewis Horne: Two Poems
62 Paul Belserene: Apple Tree
63 Eugene McNamara: Three Poems
65 Kay Smith: Three Poems
105 Mike Barnes: Four Poems
108 Mark Defoe: Three Poems
110 John Bruce: Four Poems
112 Jerome Micho: Two Poems
115 Lorna Uher: The Apple Tree
117 Kim Maltman: Three Poems
121 Barbara Godard: Latakia, Audrey Thomas
123 John Mills: The Mangan Inheritance, Brian Moore
127 Michael Brian Oliver: The Assumption of the Rogues and Rascals, Elizabeth Smart
132 George Dretzsky: Everything in the Window, Shirley Faessler
134 Michael Taylor: Jennifer, David Helwig
136 Roger Ploude: Great Canadian Sports Stories, ed. George Bowering
139 Anthony Brennan: The Sorry Papers, Don Bailey
Only the Gods Speak, Harold Horwood
Squatter's Rights, Fred Bonnie
142 J. M. Kertzer: A Pyramid of Time, Abraham Boyarsky
City Boys, David Lewis Stein
144 Eric Trethewey: Droppings From Heaven, Irving Layton
147 Michael Brian Oliver: Deathwatch on Skidegate Narrows and Other Poems, Sean Virgo
No Longer Two People, Patrick Lane and Lorna Uher
151 Carrie MacMillan: House of Changes, Jeni Couzyn
A Man to Marry A Man to Bury, Susan Musgrave
Mister Never, Miriam Waddington
A Reminder of Familiar Faces, Joan Finnigan
Prisoner, Linda Pyke
Ikons of the Hunt: Theresa Kishkan
156 Don Precosky: No Other Lodgings, Francis Itani
Holes in Space, R. A. D. Ford
Novena to St. Jude Thaddeus, M. Lakshmi Gill
Winter Flowers, Janis Rapoport
Braindances, Lloyd Abbey
The Universe Ends at Sherbourne and Queen, Ted Plantos
This Tavern Has No Symmetry, Ted Plantos
159 D. W. Russell: A Literary Affair, Marie-Claire Blais
Nights in the Underground, Marie-Claire Blais
161 Barbara Godard: Creatures of the Chase, Jean-Yves Soucy
163 Gillian Davies: Hamlet's Twin, Hubert Aquin
The Garden of Delights, Roch Carrier
The Hockey Sweater and Other Stories, Roch Carrier
167 Contributors
Sketches by Bela Egyedi
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