5 Barry Dempster: Two Poems
10 David Andrus: Four Poems
13 Ian Dempsey: Four Poems
16 Kris Larson: Five Poems
20 Neile Graham: Three Poems
24 Bruce Meyer: Three Poems
27 Michael Czuma: Notes like a pulse
31 Mark Sanders: While the Old Man Dies
85 Dorothy Roberts: Two Poems
87 Lela Parlow: Three Poems
90 Sally Harasym: Two Poems
92 Patricia Alpert: Two Poems
94 David Hickey: You Were Fred Once
36 Larry Rowdon: Mary, Go Call the Cattle Home
59 John Metcalf: The Eastmill Reception Centre
77 Don Dickinson: The Accident Business
97 Guy Hamel: Divinations and Shorter Poems, M. Travis Lane
101 W. J. Keith: The Mad Trapper, Rudy Wiebe
104 Michael Dixon: Kowalski's Last Chance, Leo Simpson
106 Joseph Gold: Joshua, Then and Now, Mordecai Richler
109 John Mills: Dragon Lady, Silver Donald Cameron
Needles, William Deverell
The Emperor's Virgin, Sylvia Fraser
112 Anthony S. Brennan: Voices of Discord
Best Canadian Stories: '79, ed. John Metcalf
115 Jon Kertzer: The Sad Phoenician, Robert Kroetsch
The Crow Journals, Robert Kroetsch
118 M. Travis Lane: Leaving, Dennis Cooley
Interstices of Night, Terrence Heath
The Light of Our Bones, Douglas Smith
Scarecrow, Douglas Smith
123 Eric Trethewey: East of Myloona, Andrew Suknaski
A Balancing Act, Florence McNeil
Myself in the Rain, Tim Howe
126 Don Precosky: Love From Backfields, Greg Cook
So the Night World Spins, Jim Stewart
Seasonal Bravery, Des Walsh
The Girl in the Brook, Wayne Wright
128 Gillian Davies: The Mole Men, Négovan Rajic
131 Contributors
Cover by Reg Balch
Photo Essay by Reg Balch
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