7 Heather Fawcett: Letter to Nigeria
29 Douglas Glover: Ursula
63 Lesley Choyce: Dancing the Night Away
Out of Place
17 Alden Nowlan: By Celestial Omnibus to the Twilight Zone
11 John Ditsky: Toy Trains
12 Kitty Hawk
13 M.B. Duggan: Roller Rink
Provider Chopping Wood
15 S.D. Harasym: Child in the Front Room
23 George Elliott Clarke: Crying the Beloved Country
24 Geneology
25 Childhood
26 Drought
The Christmas Song of the African Fishers
27 A Roof and a Name
28 Beech Hill African Baptist Church
Weymouth Falls
39 Jeffery Donaldson: Acts of Devotion
40 A Proper Our
41 Katherine Soniat: Pastoral
42 Cross Current
44 Opening Passages
45 Christopher Levenson: Student
46 Dwight Kostjuk: Confessions of an Autistic Woman
47 Epithalamium
48 Erin Mouré: Adoration
49 Alice Fulton: Sister Madeleine Pleads For Our Mary
52 James Deahl: The Woman
53 Elizabeth Philips: After Love
54 To be a Fish
55 Gabriel Fitzmaurice: Survivors
56 Lovers
58 Breakdown
59 Death of a Farmer
60 Edward Gates: Wandering
61 Mark Sanders: Country Music
67 Gary Lundy: To See One Calling
Winter Night Spells
70 When I Sought Forgiveness
What's Left
71 Collecting Wood
72 Joe Blades: Bone Etchings
73 Blades Poem No. 3
Atlantic Soundings
101 Randy Maggs: Newfoundland
75 M. Travis Lane: A Kind of Sentimentality
Just Off Main, Gary Hyland
The Black Bird, David Halliday
A Sad Device, Roo Borston
81 Ann Munton: Going Up and Down the Road: Maritime Poetry Today
Dancing in Asylum, Richard Lemm
I Might Not Tell Everybody This, Alden Nowlan
In A White Shirt, Bill Howell
Lords of Shouting, Joseph Sherman
War in an Empty House, Don Domanski
91 Liliane Welch: The Canadian Song
Cantos North, H. Beissel and F. Lach
95 Andrew T. Seaman: A Matter of Realities
The Almost Meeting, Henry Kreisel
The Vivid Air, Ralph Gustafson
Pride and Fall, Kildare Dobbs
16 Barbara Leckie: Lost in the City
22 The Overcoat
38 Sketch
62 David Cairns: Sketch
74 Sketch
104 Contributors
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