7 Carol Shields: Home
12 Invitation
15 The Journal
65 Brian Bartlett: From Fearful Children
33 Martine Jacquot: Louis Cormier
Out of Place
51 Peter Sanger: Biorachan Road
Atlantic Soundings
119 Randy Maggs: Newfoundland
19 Robert Harding: Mending Nureyev's Underwear
20 Steve Noyes: Janitors
23 David Beaver: Barbering
24 The Captive Audience
25 But Is It Art?
26 The New By-Law
27 Dead Man in the Barber's Chair
28 Milton Acorn: Four Sonnets from The Sonnets of Martin Dorion
31 The Whiskey Jack
40 Lesley Choyce: Far Girls on Horses
41 The Imaginary Potato
42 Aaron Bushkowsky: Prairie Perceptions
43 Eyes, Ears and Hart
44 Hillel Schwartz: Her Bath
46 Douglas Smith: Low Tide, Rathtrevor Beach
47 Greg Betts: Rum-Headed, Footloose, and Rainfall Fluent
47 6:30 Jazz
48 Ricardo Pau-Llosa: The Island of Mirrors
49 Exile
56 Dino Felluga: Day at the Fair
57 Thames Beautification Project
58 Walter MacDonald: High Plains Fences
59 In Times of Fever
60 Lorne Simon: The Passion of the Runner
61 Joshua Bendah: Black, Burning
62 The Thunder, Flashing
63 Anxious Journey
89 Jon Kertzer: Old Wild Ambiguity
Something Still to Find, Douglas Le Pan
A Throw of Particles, D.G. Jones
93 Alan R. Young: Problems of a Bildungsroman Author
Head of the Harbour, Mark Gordon
95 Richard Paul Knowles: Ringwood Collected
The Collected Plays of Gwen Pharis Ringwood, ed. Enid Delgatty Rutland
97 Ian Gaskell: Life on Stage
Black Powder, Rex Deverell
Cold Comfort, Jim Gerrard
The Fairies are Thirsty, Denise Boucher
Thimblerig, Alf Silver
101 Bruce Greenfield: The Story of a Quest
Needle to the North, Arthur C. Twomey; ed. William C. James
105 Anthony Brennan: Sifting Out Nuggets of Gold,
Making It New, ed. John Metcalf
Best Canadian Short Stories 82, John Metcalf and Leon Rooke, eds.
Third Impression, ed. John Metcalf
110 Louis K. MacKendrick: History, His Story
Quantrill, William Goede
Antichthon, Chris Scott
114 Michael Thorpe: Explorations
The Overlanders, Florence McNeil
Stonefish, and Other Poems, Kevin Roberts
Greendream, Joseph McLeod
The Moon of Hunger, Ian McCulloch
Black Tongue, Antonio D'Alfonso
116 Harold Barratt: Quality Fiction from Three Women Writers
Summer at Lonely Beach, and Other Stories, Miriam Waddington
From a High Thin Wire, Joan Clark
Calling Home, Merna Summers
6 David Sheskin: Mountain Climber
18 Class of '83
50 David Cairns: Drawings
83 Drawings
Notes on Contributors
12 Notes on Contributors
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