7 Steve Walker: Arthur Sturmwold
23 Barry MacLeod: Bootstraps
59 Lucy Honig: Love Mom and Dad
63 Heather Pyrcz: In Winter
Out of Place
53 John Steffler: The Grey Islands
6 Steve Walker: A Madman Killed Our Families
10 Lorna Crozier: Rain
11 Mid-February
12 Stepping Stone
13 Jacqueline Moore: Flying A White Plastic Bag
14 Growing
15 Roger Finch: The Maydenhead Of The First Musicke
16 Mural (Mid 20th Century): Seven Friends
17 Lee Meitzen Grue: Nijinsky: The Paris Tour
19 Romola Pulsky: Who Became His Wife
22 Nijinsky, His Final Performance
29 Diana Brebner: If Our Essential Quality Is Depravity
29 When I Hear That You Beat Your Children
30 Dennis Cooley: Blacksmith Shop
32 Michael Pacey: Epistles From Temperance Vale
33 The Old Neighbourhood
34 Lewis Horne: A Man With Lettuce
35 Renewal
36 Tony Sanders: The Fire and the Reading Lamp
37 Immigrants Eloquence
38 Lyn King: This Month
39 Here
40 Michael Wilson: Confusing Fall
41 Winter Residents
42 John Dolan: Nuclear Dreams, Paper Promises
43 Santa Claus
44 Brian Wickers: Just Kidding
45 Magic Incarnate
46 David Etheridge: A Portion of an Interview with Edna O'Brien
48 Ida Caldwell
50 Fred Cogswell: A Fantasy
51 Potato-picker's Morning
69 Raymond Souster: For Aldan Nowlan, Poet
70 Impressions From Mr. Colville's Picture Gallery
70 High Divers
70 Dog and Bridge
71 Seven Crows
71 Night Walk
71 Refrigerator
76 Carolyn Smart: Driving Home
77 Reverie
78 Judith Harway: Pysansky
80 Two Riddles
82 Nathan Cervo: To Hart Crane
84 David Winwood: Obligations
85 Nuzzling
86 Larynx
87 Pat Jasper: Child's Play
88 Temporary Barracks
89 Surrogate Father
90 Thelma Poirier: A Fence
93 Michael Taylor: The Ivory Swing, Janette Turner Hospital
The Tiger in the Tiger Pit, Janette Turner Hospital
96 M. Travis Lane: Self-Conscious Art
How Hug a Stone, Daphne Marlatt
Montage for an Interstellar Cry, Andrew Suknaski
The Mossbank Canon, E. F. Dyck
Trap Lines, Geoffrey Ursell
5 T.K. Splake: Photo: The Lighthouse
52 David Cairns: Drawing
72 David Skeskin: Drawing: Holy Reunion
102 Contributors
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