7 Douglas Glover: Why I Decide to Kill Myself and Other Jokes
29 Kwame Dawes: Evening Song
65 Diane Schoemperlen: A Simple Story
18 Lloyd Abbey: The Heron-Fisher
23 Heather Cadsby: So You Won't Be Left Wondering
24 Edward Gates: Wild Cranberries
25 Waiting
26 Judith Krause: Legs
27 Endings
39 Lynda Cassels: After Work
40 Sleeping Over at Black Creek
42 Irmelind-Elizabeth Couto: Seeds
44 Mary-Lynn Murphy: A Return
45 Respite
47 Sarah Klassen: Collector
48 John V. Hicks: Three Centrefolds
50 Laurie Anne Whitt: When the Loon Dives
56 Derek Robinson: Stake of Ice
57 The Lightening
58 Mike MacNeil: Dissolution
59 Golgotha
60 Forgiveness
61 Beth Gray: Lot's Wife
63 Shattering Mask
64 Anne Swannell: New Year at Creyke Point
81 Susan Sindall: Some Background on the Civil War
82 Foxes
83 My Father Singing Schubert
84 Nancy Smith: Ears
85 Kinds of Cowboys
86 James Warner: Bend in the River Invitation
87 Luella Kerr: Little Girls
88 W.J. Keith: Elegy for Dolly Pentreath
Out of Place:
51 Lesley Choyce: My Marsh
89 Atlantic Soundings Checklist
Review Articles
99 M. Travis Lane: Say What You Can
Whiskey Jack, Milton Acorn
A Stand of Jackpine, Milton Acorn w. James Deahl
101 Douglas Glover: Post-Saussurean Postcards
Leaping Up Sliding Away, Kent Thompson
103 A.C. Morell: The Emotional Progress of an Emigrant
Flight Against Time, Emily Nasrallah, trans. Issa J. Boullata
106 Steve Noyes: Tin Memory
Dance with Desire, Irving Layton
It Takes All Kinds, Raymond Souster
109 Reality Beyond Facts
Homecoming, Veronica Ross
Cage: George McWhirter
The Parrot Who Could, Robin Skelton
Paul Cochrane
Towards the Infirmary from Park Vic.
Ink Drawing
The House Down the Street
Ink Drawing
28, 80
113 Notes on Contributors
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