15 Tim Mitchell: Cooling
31 Shelley A. Leedahl: Hollywood Legs
48 Elisabeth Brink: Little Red's Story
50 Curtis Gillespie: Outriders
72 David Carpenter: Turkle
90 Pamela Donoghue: Saving the Last Dance
102 Rhoda Rabinowitz-Green: What's Going on Here Anyway?
5 Michael Thorpe: Ordinary Men
10 Mark Farrell: A poem after Westray
12 Shari Andrews: Three Poems
23 Burns Foley-MacMillan: Beached Wishes
24 Coral Hull: Two Poems
27 David W. McFadden: Three Poems
40 Michael Winter: Cluster Poems
42 Sarah deLeeuw: Living Alone
44 Yvonne Trainer: Fast Day
47 Charlotte Davidson: Two Poems
63 Carmine Starnino: The True Story of my Father
64 Barbara Nickel: Traps
66 Shree Ghatage: Open Wings Ever So Slightly
70 David Winwood: Erasmus in Stepanakert
80 Heather Browne Prince: Where Water and Gravel Meet
82 John Barton: Pushing Upstream
84 Tara J. Hoag: Two Poems
86 Jeff Bien: Two Poems
88 Trevor N. Dekort: In the Beginnings
96 Eleonore Schõnmaier: Crete. Kreta. Kriti
98 Jane Aaron Vander Wal: Beware of Rooms Dogs Refuse to Enter
99 Stan Rogal: Personations: 18
100 Leonard Gasparini: My room at the Royal Hotel
107 Howard Wright: Two Poems
108 Dermot McCarthy: Seeing Things
111 John Tyndall: Bones of a Tornado
Review Articles
112 E. Elizabeth Rose: This Old House
Between Families and the Sky, Alan Cumyn
114 Christian Petersen: The Presence of Voices
Dressing for Hope, Lorna Jackson
Degrees of Nakedness, Lisa Moore
118 Gwyneth Hoyle: Kayak of the North
Kabloona in the Yellow Kayak, Victoria Jason
123 Contributors
Marie-Hèléne Allain
Racines déracinées [Uprooted Roots], 1992
Limestone from Jura, France, limestone from Indiana, U.S.A. and oxidized iron
199 x 46 x 25 cm
Collection of the artist
Photo: Dolores Breau
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