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No. 192 (Summer 1997)

In 1997, the advancement of technology was well underway. In the publishing community, there developed a fear of the decreasing demand for physical works of literature. The invention of the eBook was forecasted as the cause of death of the physical book. However, as we now know, that prediction never came true. I think many of us agree that reading a physical copy of a book is an experience that technology could never replace. Editor Bill Gaston predicted this outcome in the issue’s editorial, stating that this issue was published partially in response “to the ‘death of the book’ bleats from those tech mongers who are under the delusion that settling into or on our favorite chair, tub or beach with a book such as this somehow lost its appeal.” Although technology offers more convenient ways of consuming literature, nothing could replace the weight of a book between our hands and all the possibilities that it holds. And this all-fiction issue is among the largest published yet by The Fiddlehead, made to fit the bulging creative minds of our contributors and their stories. 

In the editorial, Bill Gaston proudly states “that there’s no country in the world better than we are at telling stories.” The issue offers a diverse symphony of writers. The Fiddlehead routinely includes established writers as well as newcomers and this issue is no different. Former UNB writer-in-residence and writer and filmmaker Kenneth J. Harvey is featured in the issue with his story, “Idling Car As Seen Through Fog.” Other contributors include Michael Crummey, Elisabeth Harvor, Alexander McLeod, and Michael Pacey. Holding this fiction issue in your hands reminds you of the weight a physical book holds for readers and writers in the literary community. 

Bailey Noiles 
Publishing Intern, March 2022 


5        Bill Gaston: Editorial

7        Kelly Cooper: The Secretly Hope for Rain
10      Kenneth J. Harvey: Idling Car As Seen Through Fog
18      Robert Strandquist: Deeper Than the World
25      Séamus Ò Ceallaigh: Where People With Tattoos . . .
40      Sarah Withrow: Nobody Asks
52      Rod Schumacher: Edge of the World
61      Chris Kent: Jelly Beans
70      Melissa Hardy: The Sweet Bye-And-Bye
79      Diana Kiersners: Holes
87      Michael Pacey: Ducktown Chronicles
98      Martin Malone: The Gift Taken Back
103    Shelley Griffin: Missing
111    William Lynch: the man across the street
116    Lewis Horne: Best Friend
127    Fred Bonnie: Some Kind of Brave
136    Michael Crummey: from 32 Little Stories
140    Libby Creelman: Reunion
147    Mike Belyea: Stacey's Education
159    Sara O'Leary: Monologues from "The Dysfunctional Documentary"
163    Judith Cowan: Monterey Gilbert
176    Andrew Gray: The Southern Cross
186    Alexander MacLeod: To Drown Beyond the Sea
193    Hannah Grant: Urban Myths
205    Elisabeth Harvor: Dark at Four

232    Contributors


George Fry
Masks of papiermaché, leather, wood, gold leaf, feathers, cloth, metal and other mixed media.
"South, the Turtle" from the Great Wheel Series;
"The Little Match Girls," Anderson Series;
Michael, Archangel Series;
Gawyn, Perseval Series. 

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