17 Susan Zettell: Night Watches
32 Tamas Dobozy: Following Fat Thursday, 2006
56 Ian Colford: Imagining Rosalee
79 Tony Steele: The Numbers of Joy
5 Anne Simpson: Preparing for Descent
6 Christopher A. Taylor: Two Poems
8 Jill MacLean: Gift of a Day
10 Bob Ashley: Three Poems
15 Bill Tinley: Words for a Lullaby
16 Catherine Graham: Black Kettles
25 Glen Sorestad: Two Poems
27 Robert Moore: This morning on the phone
28 Ellen McGinn: Blue Willow
30 Billie Livingston: The Conductor
31 Margaret Ormond: Tantramar
42 Lioba Happel: Two Poems
44 Carleton Wilson: Junction Sonnets
45 Christopher Patton: Three Poems
49 Hillel Schwartz: Two Poems
54 chèle thorsen: Two Poems
70 Sue MacLeod: This is the body, consoling itself
72 David Seymour: Two Poems
74 Treena Kortje: variations of Eve -- The First Time
75 Marianne Bluger: Two Poems
78 Karen Mulhallen: The Great Barrier Reef
85 Paul W. Harland: A Summer Song
86 Andrew Stubbs: estevan saskatchewan
89 Carol MacKay: A Week Before I Left, You Came Close
90 Dee Horne: Scaling Purdy
92 richard krueger: this hour of travel has lasted two
93 Shaun Leggett: Sundown
94 Lisa Alward: A sensual and grotesque fullness
The White Bone, Barbara Gowdy
95 Sue Sinclair: Latent Heat: The Flame of Domesticity
Latent Heat, Catherine Hunter
98 Brian Bartlett: Assuming the Shape of Hope
How I Joined Humanity at Last, David Zieroth
103 Carol Malyon: We pay attention & are never the same again
Influence of the Moon, Mark Borsky
and a body to remember with, Carmen Rodriques
How to Get There from Here, Michelle Berry
109 M. Travis Lane: The Pervasive Figure
A Broken Bowl, Patrick Friesen
The Church Not Made With Hands, John Terpstra
Minotaurs and Other Alphabets, Nicole Markotic
114 Kent Thompson: Shopping at the Window
My PARIS, Gail Scott
115 Colleen Wagner: Family Politics
Corker, Wendy Lill
117 Ross Leckie: Uncanny Affiliations
The Bridge That Carries the Road, Lynn Davies
The True Names of Birds, Susan Goyette
122 Notes on Contributors
Glenn Priestley
Erin, 1998.
15 x 11"
Oil on canvas
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