5 Ross Leckie
15 Andrew Gray: Deer
40 John Keyes: This Is What You Are Here For
79 Lorna Jackson: Where Does All the Bad Air in the World Go?
96 Michael Petrou: Before the Spring
7 Adam Dickinson: Two Poems
9 Tim Lilburn: Hearing
10 Clayton Hansen: Two Poems
12 James Norcliffe: Two Poems
25 Stephanie Bolster: Night occurs dimmer each time...
26 J.V. Makowski: View from the Bluff
28 David Manicorn: Reading Anglo-Saxon When Spring Coems Early
30 Eric Ormsby: Three Poems
34 Richard Greene: Begin Again, Four Sonnets
38 James Boston: Sestina
54 Anne Compton: Tower: Poem for the Spoken Voice
56 Kenneth Pobo: Two Poems
58 Catherine Owen: From here to nowhere in 27 years
59 Patrick Hanlon: With Frozen Brush
71 Robert Sward: Fashion Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
73 Tony Steele: Pairie Landscape
74 Peter Norman: Three-Tone Electronic Fanfare
76 Zoë Landale: Two Poems
78 Martha Baillie: Seated in July
91 Triny Finlay: we fight rancid winds all summer
92 James Arthur: Two Poems
94 Ekaterina Hatigan: Birds
99 Jean-Mark Sens: Rain Apples
100 Christopher A. Taylor: Night Train
101 Billeh Nickerson: Group Photograph
102 Dolores Stewart: Two Poems
From UNB's Writers-in-Residence
60 Colleen Wagner: The Morning Bird
65 Douglas Fetherling: Islands Cruiser
105 M. Travis Lane: Two First Books
Treading Fast Rivers, Eleonore Schönmaier
Persephone Quartets, Rose Sujata Arora
109 Bill Bauer: Fun and Heartbreak in Nova Scotia
Righteous Living, Maureen Hull
112 Lynn Davies: The Day of the Dead
The Shadows Fall Behind, Margo Button
114 Michelene Adams: Mon Chagrin, mon héritage
At the Full and Change of the Moon, Dionne Brand
119 Christoph Lorey: Frederick Phillip Grove's Controversial German Years
"Je vous écris, en hâte et fiévreusement." Felix Paul Greve-André Gide:Korrespondenz und Dokumentation, Jutta Ernst and Klaus Martens
122 Ross Leckie: The Rhetoric of Romanticism
The Thin Smoke of the Heart, Tim Bowling
126 Notes on Contributors
Suzanne Hill
Front Cover:
Scarecrow Series: Predatory Bird, (one of four)
Mixed media on paper, 24" x 24"
Back Cover:
Scarecrow Series: Predatory Bird, (one of four)
Mixed media on paper, 24" x 24"
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