5 The question is one of innocence
7 Shawna Lemay: Three Poems from "Anatomy of a Still Life"
10 Bert Almon: A Corona for Grinling Gibbons
12 John Reibetanz: Guardian Moon
15 Jennifer Bronson: Two Poems
17 Elise Partridge: Three Poems
22 Vanessa Moeller: Four Poems
26 Susan Gillis: Kitchen Floor
28 Richard Sanger: Love Lessons
32 Kevin McNeilly: Two Poems
34 Matthew Sweeney: Four Poems
39 Leaving the street map of her palm
41 Maureen Hynes: Two Poems
44 Brent MacLaine: Two Poems
48 Tim Bowling: Two Poems
52 John Steffler: Two Poems
56 Miranda Pearson: Two Poems
58 Melissa Walker: Four Poems
62 Jeffery Donaldson: Three Poems
68 Tammy Armstrong: Four Poems
72 David Zieroth: Two Poems
75 The language ot trains, the / shuddering against the track
77 R.M. Vaughan: An Herbal for Men Who Live Alone
80 Triny Finlay: Four Poems
82 Joanne Merriam: Two Poems
84 Shaena Lambert: Three Poems
87 Hillel Schwartz: Two Poems
91 Sean Johnston: Two Poems
94 Michael deBeyer: Three Poems from Natural Laws: Ayr, Ontario
96 John Smith: Four Poems
100 Eric Barstad: Four Poems from "Towards an Aviary"
102 Holly Luhning: Three Poems
107 Reading a favorite forgotten book
109 Sue Sinclair: Three Poems
114 David Reibetanz: Two Poems
117 Jane Southwell Munro: Two Poems
119 Susan Glickman: Two Poems
123 Jan Conn: Four Poems
127 Anne Simpson: Time/Space: The Trailer Park
139 Katia Grubišic: On Flight and Untangling
The Wireless Room; Holding Pattern, Shane Rhodes
141 Halli Villegas: Diving into Art
Keeping Afloat, M Travis Lane
144 Lynn Davies: A Habit of Clarity
Secrets of Weather & Hope, Sue Sinclair
147 M. Travis Lane: Words for Music
The Birth and Burial Grounds, Boyd Warren Chubbs
150 Ross Leckie: Poetics
Home and Away: Vis à Vis, Don McKay
Making Our Poets Explicit: Guernica Writers Series
155 Notes on Contributors
Freeman Patterson
The trail of a sand adder on a large dune near Pomona in Namibia.
Photograph from Odysseys: Meditations and Thoughts for a Life's Journey.
A Phyllis Bruce Book, HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. 1998.
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