5 Ross Leckie
9 Grant Buday: The Curve of the Earth
23 Robert James Hicks: Family Day
49 Stephanie Coyne DeGhett: Weather Like Last Year
66 Alison Hack: Ride
84 Laura Boudreau: The Party
86 R. Rti: A Pessimist's Alphabet
92 JC Bellringer: Zlata and Chi Chi
19 Judith Krause: Birthday Portrait
21 Jeanette Lynes: The Tenth Anniversary of My Father's Barn
22 Ricardo Pau-Llosa: Regina
39 Melissa Walker: Two Poems
41 Brad Buchanan: Selling Home
42 Laurence Hutchman: Three Poems
46 Michael W. Czuma: Drer's Apprentice
48 Adrienne Barrett: In the bedroom
56 Fiona Tinwei Lam: Two Poems
59 Eric Millter: Five Poems
65 Andrew Titus: On taking down an elm
74 Ingrid Ruthig: Two Poems
76 Margaret Christakos: Son
82 Arthur Bull: Two Poems
87 Jena Schmitt: Three Poems
100 Lisa Martin-DeMoor: Four Poems
106 M. Travis Lane: A Rare Originality
According to Loon Bay, Hannah Main-Van der Kamp
109 Dina Cox: Beyond Shirts and Peonies
Worried into Being: An Unfinished Alphabet, Joseph Sherman
112 Ian Colford: Trouble in the Spirit World
Midnight Sun: A Novel, Lawrence Osgood
114 Warren Heiti: Transcriptions of the Apse of Space
The Burning Eaves, David Manicom
117 Ruth Roach Pierson: Public and Private: That Interface
Public Works, Ronna Bloom
processional, Anne Compton
121 Ted Colson: Lo! Angels
The Look of Angels, Geoff Butler
124 JC Bellringer: Just slightly beyond the usual scope of occupation or experience
A Short Journey By Car, Liam Durcan
127 Notes on Contributors
Beth Lenco
White Cat
30 x 30 cm, oil on canvas
Private collection
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