5 Ross Leckie
9 Margaret Sweatman: A White Hotel
31 Kevin A. Couture: Lost Valley
53 Nicholas Ruddock: How Eunice Got Her Baby
72 Michael Bryson: No One Wants to Be Next
87 Carol Bruneau: Combinations
102 Michael Rottman: Bronynosets
18 Adam Dickinson: Three Poems
23 Nadine McInnis: Miasma Theory
24 Anne Shifrer: Two Poems
26 Tony DSouza: Vermeers The Letter
27 Andrew Sant: Two Poems
44 John Wall Barger: Random Ceremony #8 (Feast Alone at Cousins Diner)
45 Andrea MacPherson: at the Pigalle Metro
46 Ria Voros: For Marta in Geresdorf
48 Jannie Edwards: Two Poems
50 Elise Partridge: Passages: Daughter and Mother
52 Maureen Hynes: Wedding, 1927
59 Rachel Lebowitz: Four Poems
63 Michael Quilty: Two Poems
69 Peter Richardson: Two Poems
78 Stephanie Yorke: Coronet Player
79 Desmond Graham: Two Poems
82 Shane Rhodes: Within the Limits Herein Defined: A Found Poem
84 Karen Enns: Foresight
85 Amber Dawn Upfold: At Night, Alone
86 Chris Banks: Culling Song
93 Samantha Marcelo: Two Poems
95 Hillel Schwartz: Found
96 Christopher A. Taylor: Facing North
98 David Barrick: A Dove On January 22
100 Sachiko Murakami: Two Poems
112 Bill Bauer:...not explicitly generalized
Eyehill, Kelly Cooper
114 M. Travis Lane: Contemporary in the Best Sense
Change in a Razor-Backed Season, Michael DeBeyer
116 Helen Fogwill Porter: Unique and Unrestrained
Bishops Road, Catherine Safer
118 Michael Lockett: Shared Objects
Splitting Off, Triny Finlay
120 Robert Gibbs: An Invigorating Sense of Shared Loss
Beautiful Veins, Joseph Sherman
126 Notes on Contributors
Stephen May
Lemon the Canary in Death
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