16 Colette Maitland: Rod and Real
37 L. Annette Binder: Castle Rock
49 Dean Serravalle: Varicose Veins
67 Thodora Armstrong: Fishtail
5 David Seymour: Two Poems
9 Chris Hutchinson: Four Poems
14 Robert Gibbs: Baroque Wheezings
15 Monica Kidd: Rheumutic Fever
28 Andrew Slattery: Two Poems
31 Erika Westman: Canyon Winds at Eglinton and Yonge, Late December
32 Claire Battershill: Two Poems
35 Zoe Whittall: Precordial Thump
44 Margaret Christakos: Two Poems
46 Shane Rhodes: Two Poems
57 Michael Johnson: Six Poems
64 James Wood: Catherine Wheel
65 Catherine Owen: Humility
66 Laurelyn Whitt: Memorial
82 James Pollock: Four Poems
86 Bren Simmers: Two Poems
88 Maureen Hynes: Three Poems
91 Maurice Mierau: In Danger or Threatened
92 Joe Wilkins: Seven Devils
95 Jennifer Andrews: The Legacy of the Rolling Head
The Crooked Good, Louise Halfe
98 Edward O'Connor: The Poet and His Headstrong Daughter
Conceit, Mary Novik
100 Richard Cumyn: The Forest of Our Iniquity
Helpless, Barbara Gowdy
102 Eric Miller: Unbaked Bread at Forsaken Hours
The Sweet Fuels, Erin Knight
105 Shane Neilson: What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
A Thaw Foretold, Mike Barnes
106 Michael DeBeyer: Forging Academic Inroads
Meetings with Maritime Poets, Ann Compton
109 Ruth Roach Pierson: Quirky Humour and Intellectual Compression
Courage Underground, Julie Roorda
112 Jamie Dopp: The Face Before the Mask
Night Work, Randall Maggs
115 Catherine Greenwood: Grounded, but not down
The View from a Kite, Maureen Hull
117 John Herbert Cunningham: A Poetry of the Intellect
Aiken Drum, Peter Sanger
120 Notes on Contributors
Ned Bear
stained birch with bear fur, horse hair and leather lacing
16 x 9 x 7 in
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