1 Anita Letitia Wales: One Night Performance
2 Marya Fiamengo: The Small Particles of Time
3 Mary Humphrey: A Child of God
4 Anne Wilkinson: Lens
5 Alfred W. Purdy: Spokesman for the Andeans
6 Seymour Gresser: May Nine, a Birthday
7 George Walton: Ancient Gossip
8 Goodridge MacDonald: The Bridge
9 Rainer Maria Rilke (trans. K. W. Maurer): Orpheus Sonnets (VII)
9 George Abbe: Spring Rider
10 Eli Mandel: Children of the Sun
10 James Boyer May: Life's Astronomy
11 Fred Cogswell: A Ballad of Orchard Evening
12 Maxine Cassin: Immortality
12 Robert Rogers: Music hath charms...
13 Desmond Pacey: Pressed on Sand, Alfred W. Purdy
A Sort of Ecstacy, A. J. M. Smith
14 Allan Donaldson: Modern Greek Poems, Phivos Delphis
15 Robert Rogers: Compass Reading and Others, Goodridge MacDonald
The Second Silence, Miriam Waddington
17 Fred Cogswell: O Earth Return, Jay Macpherson
Queens and Others, I. Sutherland Groom
Tom Thomson and Other Poems, Arthur S. Bourinot
Five Poems, 1954, Daryl Hine
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