5 Gerard Beirne: Watching the Sun Stand Still
7 Clea Young: Juvenile
15 Amy Jones: I Think the Kids are in Trouble
26 Daniel Woodrell: Oceanside
32 Daniel Woodrell: Blue Norton
36 Craig Davidson: The Vanishing Twin
53 Mary O'Donnell: The Capital of Outer Mongolia
63 Hugh Graham: After History
70 Raymond Fraser: Upriver
77 F.W. Birt: Surface
89 Jann Everard: The Bus Stops Here
100 J.M. Villaverde: Father Time
105 Mike McCormack: This Plague of Souls
114 Wickliffe Walker: Border Incident
126 Célia Thompson: Apoptosis
141 R.W. Gray: Blink
148 Eoin McNamee: Walking North, Walking Home
153 Margaret Sweatman: Night Diving
161 Shane Neilson: Explosions
The Life and Times of Captain N, Douglas Glover
166 Gerard Beirne: The Conceptual Space of Writing
A Kite in the Wind: Fiction Editors on Thier Craft, eds. Andrea Barrett and Peter Turchi
169 Ian Colford: Better With Age
Simon Says, David Helwig
Constance, Across, Richard Cumin
Earthbound, Kenneth Radu
174 Heather Jessup: Bad Sex and Hurricanes
High-Water Mark, Nicole Dixon
176 Rebecca Geleyn: Of Squids and Circles
Belinda's Rings, Corinna Chong
180 Notes on Contributors
Mark Anthony Jarman
Red Kayak on the River
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