6 Ross Leckie: Editorial
11 Lisa Alward: Cocktail
21 David McLaren: [nar-uh-gan-sits] a Rhode Island Thanksgiving
31 Kari Lund-Teigen: Something Like Joy
55 Mark Jordan Manner: Of All Things That Rise From the Earth
82 A.W. Marshall: In the Highest Limbs
7 Sean Howard: Cases (Unbound Poems, from Nova Scotia Reports)
8 Michael Prior: The Hinny
10 Julie Cameron Gray: Skinbyrds
43 Louisa Howerow: Two Poems
45 Barry Dempster: Two Poems
48 Kate Kennedy: Three Poems
51 Emily Skov-Nielsen: Painting Suburbia
52 Michael Quilty: Familiar Gathering: Vermillion
53 Gerald Hill: Two Poems
65 Sue Chenette: Three Poems
69 Iain Higgins: That the Proper Work of Speech is Praise
71 David Solway: Four Poems
75 John Kinsella: Three Poems
78 Darryl Whetter: Two Poems
80 Laura Matwichuk: Two Poems
92 Micheline Maylor: Two Poems
94 Roger Nash: Imagining a Cormorant
95 Amber Homeniuk: Three Poems
99 Kateri Lanthier: What Washes Off, What Sticks
100 Bill Howell: Two Poems
102 rob mclennan: South Florida journal, abridged:
103 M. Travis Lane: A Labour of Love
The Metabolism of Desire: the poetry of Guido Cavalcanti, trans. David R. Slavitt
105 Ian Colford: "Everybody's Looking for Somebody"
The Freedom in American Songs, Kathleen Winter
107 Jenny Haysom: Lady Lazarus Returns
Broom Broom, Brecken Hancock
109 Rebecca Geleyn: Almost Belonging
Interpreters, Ron Schafrick
111 Richard Kelly Kemick: Outrunning Ghazals (and other difficult things)
Surge Narrows, Emilia Nielson
117 Notes on Contributors
Steven Rhude
Buoy and Manhole
Oil on Panel
20 x 24 in.
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