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No. 290 (Winter 2022) BIPOC Solidarities Special Issue

Click on the highlighted links to get a sense of what issue 290 has to offer!

6       Editor's Introduction

Creative Nonfiction
13     Jennifer Hosein: Fabric
27     Tamara Jong: Lessons
38     Zilla Jones: On Waking Up
67     Joylyn Chai: It’s No Big Deal. Not Really.
83     Brian Braganza: At the Edge of Her Grasp
88     Melinda Burns: Deathly Afraid
96     Linda Trinh: Gates and Goddesses
114   Monica Nathan: Things I Won’t Be Remembered For

15     Arlyn Charlie: The Old Ways / Yeenoo Nits’oo Gwiinli’
32     Carmina Ravanera: Beach Day
50     Anuja Varghese: Stories in the Language of the Fist
70     Kirti Bhadresa: Daksha Takes the Cake
116   Salma Hussain: Scribe

10    Erica Hiroko Isomura: re:birth
37    Jessie Loyer: wahwâ
62    Tara McGowan-Ross: gajjamu’g wasueg
64    T. Liem: Two Poems
76    Christine Wu: Anti-Asian Violence Spikes During COVID-19
78    Vivian (Xiao Wen) Li: Soup Days, Pizza Dinners & Other Joyful

79    Rachel Lachmansingh: Two Poems
81    Emily Riddle: Two Poems
92    James X. Wang: Fossils
93    Izza Hassan: Neighbour Haunt & Hamsas Around My Neck
104  Khashayar “Kess” Mohammadi: Two Poems
108  Preeti Kaur Dhaliwal: On Survival and Exhalation
110  karen lee: Three Poems

119   Notes on Contributors

Marigold Santos
shroud (unfurling blooms unsettling)
acrylic, pigment, gesso on canvas
67 x 141/2 in.
Image courtesy of Patel Brown Gallery. 


To order a copy of issue 290 please email



Just wanted to say I really loved this issue , it’s great to hear the voices of people of colour and their words and the impact they have on Canadian culture. Thank you and keep this up! Especially loved the one by Izza Hassan, witty, clever!

Would love to be able to purchase the current issue. Please let me know if more copies become available!

Hi Alyssa, We have placed an order for more copies of the BIPOC Solidarities issue. The links to order the issue are now available again on the issue webpage and orders will be mailed as soon as the new copies arrives.

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