1 Jack Lindeman: Beward of Dog
2 Rose Rosberg: John, Abbot of Tewkesbury, Speaks
3 Guy Daniels: Sonnet for Anne
3 Edwin Turner: Three Close Demons
4 M. Morris: Old Age Seen as Like and As
4 N. E. Buttress: To the Epstein Pigeons in a London Park
5 Peter Miller: Roman Ups and Downs
6 Miriam Jans: For a Street and a Street and a Street
6 Charles Black: Archaism
7 R. H. Grenville: The Day's True Shape
7 Jeanette Chappell: Toward Tomorrow
8 John V. Crowley: Lyrics of Rejection XI
8 Milton Acorn: Inland Gull
9 Lillian Morrison: Tomboy
9 George Johnston: Rest Hour
10 Timothy Cheney: What Fish
10 Amy Groesbeck: Sea-Wrack
11 Mabel M. Kuykendall: I am Apparition
11 Philmore B. Wass: Angry Arm
12 Hilmur Saffel: Roualt's Old King
12 Dorothy Roberts: Spokesman
13 Ron Everson: A Quick Look on the Way Out
13 Myrtle Reynolds Adams: Late Beauty
14 Daryl Hine: The Doublegoer
16 Vincente Huidobro (trans. D. M. Petinella): The Mirror of Waters
16 Kenneth McRobbie: April
17 Sara King Carleton: Incantation
18 Anne Marx: Tower Room
18 Edith Weaver: Dancers Over the City
20 John Haines: No Return
21 Elizabeth Stanton Hardy: Valley of Salt
22 William J. Margolis: A Child Within Me Woke
23 Peter Burrows: Catullus V
23 Lisa Grenelle: Old Woman on a Beach
24 Landreth E. Leaper: Day End
25 Hilary Glyn: The Grist of Sacrifice
25 Charles Angoff: The Atheist
26 Henry Moscovitch: Dream
26 Karen Koppang: Midummer in Dalecarlia
27 Goodridge Macdonald: Song Ends
28 L. N. McCaul: The Butterfly
28 Carl Larsen: Mob Scene No. 4
29 Alfred W. Purdy: Pre-Epitaph for Love
30 deLancey Torrie: Fall in New Brunswick
32 Robert Vaughan: Somnolent Song
32 Marie Tavroges: Flight
33 Charles Shaw: A Lust Lies Heavy
34 Sarah Singer: 'I, Lydia'
37 Louis Newman: Embrace Me Earth
38 Larry Eigner: Urbs
38 John Tagliabue: When an Angel Comes Out of Minute
38 Fred Cogswell: This Woman
39 Robert Rogers: The Arrow-Maker's Daughter, and Other Haida Chants, Hermia Harris Fraser
39 Milton Wilson: The Boatman, Jay Macpherson
44 Earl Guy: The Testament of Creddeid, Robert Henryson
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