1 E. Guy: Memory, Pick that Lady Up
2 Gil Orlovitz: Art of the Sonnet: LXXV
2 Ian Sowton: Mountainy Ram (in Praise of Wallace Stevens)
2 Winston Weathers: The Geometry of Love
4 Kay Smith: Recognition
4 Don Geiger: Love Song by Husband After Being Buried with Wife One Night
6 Marie Tavroges: Melody of the Aeolian Harp
6 William E. Taylor: On Reading the Best War Poems of W. W. II
7 Scott Greer: Four O'Clock in the Morning (For John Kitsuse)
8 L. Willis: The End in View
12 John V. Crowley: A Return to East Pond
13 George Walton: Skin-Deep
14 Lisel Mueller: The Annunciation
14 Jenny Lind Porter: The Pearl For the Metaphysical Pearl Poet, George Herbert
16 Peter Randall: History Lesson
16 David Lyttle: The Dust
17 Eldon Grier: Art, the Demon Equilibrist
18 Jocelyn Macy Sloan: Stranger Bride
18 Goodridge MacDonald: Precise and Perilous
19 Felix Anselm: Cats
19 William J. Noble: The Artful Weaver
20 Edwin N. Turner: Ashes to Ashes
20 Hilmur Saffell: What is That Laughter in the Yard?
21 M. Eugene Perry: Sun on the Dark Pool
22 Mildred Cousens: Woodchuck
22 Fred Swayze: In Silence Waiting
23 Sara Van Alstyne Allen: Snail
23 Jack Lowther Wilson: You May be Spoken
24 Lawrence P. Spingarn: The Beachcombers
24 Alfred W. Purdy: Incantation
25 Marion Montgomery: The Peace that Passeth
26 Keith James: For Grace Kitamura
26 Jimm Dakin: Prelude to Disillusion
27 deLancey Torrie: 'Affinity' With the Author of Affinity
28 Curtis Zahn: The Very Remembered Mrs. Blank
29 John Tagliabue: Two Poems
30 Ralph I. Walker: My Round
30 Leona Hamilton: Chinese Peasant, 1950
31 Fred Baur: Forgotten Jazzmen
32 Murray Bennett: Banners
32 J. Phoenice: Plane in the Night
33 Tom Poots: Metropolis Five Thirty Bar
33 Robert Avritt: O Tempera! O Mores!
34 George Ross Ridge: Alba: a Dawnson
34 Mike Gnarowski: Montreal-Est
35 N. E. Buttress: Epigrammatist
36 Lori Petri: Husband
36 Kenneth L. Beaudoin: Insideness
37 E. W. Northnagel: Fried Grasshoppers
37 Charles Shaw: Not of the Now
38 Charles Beaudelaire (trans. Roger Wescott): Cats
38 Emilie Glen: Gulls and Butterflies
39 Fred Cogswell: Two Poems
40 Robert Rogers: Three Dozen Poems, R. G. Everson
Carpenter's Apprentice and Other Poems, Gordon LeClaire
41 C. F. Klinck: Ten Canadian Poets, Desmond Pacey
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