53 Ron Manzer: One Mile Run
1 Samuel Hazo: Javelins
2 Adam Gillon: Campo di Fiori (from the Polish of Czeslaw Milosz)
4 Gilbert Hendren: Three Poems
7 Allan Marshfield: Scherza Rima
8 Curtis Whittington Jr.: Two Poems
10 Kenneth Lawrence Beaudoin: There Should be a song called Saltillo
11 Ann Heiskell Rickey: Indicium
12 Clarence Major: Three Poems
15 Jean Morrison: Earthbound
16 George Murray: Two Poems
18 Gil Orlovitz: Relationships I
19 Robert S. Sward: Brooklyn Bridge
20 D. M. Pettinella: New York (from the Spanish of Garcia Lorca)
23 Alexandra Grilikhes: Song of the Stone Gabriels
24 Michael John Nimchuk: Two Poems
26 Stanwood K. Bolton, Jr.: Far Out
27 Leonore A. Pratt: Rock Bloom
28 Fred Cogswell: Hokku
29 Gordon Lockhart: Two Haiku
29 John Paul Harney: Dedication
30 Edith Shiffert: Two Poems
32 Jean Sewell Standish: Two Poems
34 Will Inman: Two Poems
37 Elizabeth Gourlay: Song for Autumn
38 David Rafael Wang: The Song of Illogician
39 Charles Black: Commentary
40 Barry Lord: House of God
41 Edith Dobell: Two Poems
43 Robert Gibbs: Present Till Presently
44 E. R. Hille: Portrait
45 Lucius Daniel: In the Park
46 Jan Oliver: The Gull
47 Elijah Palnick: Ah Mephistopheles
48 Richard Rickert: Scenarios for a Lover: I
49 Jacob C. Solovay: Death Is a Coggin Fellow
50 Elizabeth Whealy: Apples
51 Milton Acorn: Pastoral
52 Anne Marx: Undercurrent
58 Fred Cogswell: Though Night Remain, Norman Nathan
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