4 Alden A. Nowlan: Nightmare
29 Alice McConnell: Child in Love
8 Alden A. Nowlan: Six Poems
14 Charles Shaw: Coming of Doris
14 Antoni Gronowicz: hope
15 Joan Finnegan: Winter on Amherst Island
17 Richard Kelly: The Month of Alice
18 Philip Legler: Poem for a Jealous Woman
19 Parm Mayer: Not Just Any Oyster
20 Stewart Conn: Three Poems
22 Gertrude Katz: Two Poems
23 Elizabeth H. Woodside: The Perfectness of Now
24 Henry Moscovitch: Two Poems
25 Wanda Moore: The Cage
26 Mabel MacDonald Carver: Itinerant Merchant
27 Louis Ginsberg: Animals at the Zoo
28 Elizabeth Gourlay: Manifestation
38 Corinne Jacker: Two Poems
39 Hermann Hesse (trans. K. W. Maurer): Elizabeth
40 Sanford Sternlicht: Two Poems
41 David Cornel DeJong: On the Thirtieth of February
42 Charles Farber: And Old Lovers Turn Away
42 Will Inman: Bacchus
43 Milton Kessler: Gepetto's Guilt
44 Charles Edward Eaton: Two Poems
45 Maxime Cassin: Three Poems
47 George Murray: Mr. Vane
48 Elizabeth Brewster: Fairy Tale
49 Rose Rosberg: Reconciliation
49 George Nasir: Half In, Half Out
50 Jean Sewell Standish: Of Love, Anonymous
51 Fred Cogswell: The Poet's Circuits. Collected Poems of Ireland, Padraic Colum
Rivers Among Rocks, Ralph Gustafson
The Devil's Picture Book, Daryl Hine
Selected Poems by Emile Nelligan, trans. P. F. Widdows
55 Desmond Pacey: Write Me From Rio, Charles Edward Eaton, John F. Blair, Winston Salem
56 Desmond Pacey: MacLean's Canada, Portrait of a Country, ed. Leslie F. Hannon
57 Lauriat Lane, Jr.: Complete Poems by Emily Dickinson, ed. Thomas H. Johnson
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