30 Albert Drake: A Perch for the Eagle
1 E. J. Rose: Poem
2 Elizabeth Gourley: A Measure
2 Ralph Cunningham: Chester Village
5 Steve Smith: Loneliness Would Not Drown
6 Alden Nowlan: Sailors
6 Raymond J. Fraser: Four Poems
8 Kay Smith: Messenger
9 D. I. Lancashire: Synthetic A Posteriori
10 M. E. Atwood: Avalon Revisited
13 Will H. Blackwell: Seaweed
14 Gil Orlovitz: Two Poems
15 Milton Acorn: Three Poems
16 Arthur S. Bourinot: Beauty, Where Have You Fled?
17 G. V. Downes: The Town That Never Lived
18 John Tagliabue: Ten Poems
19 William J. Noble: If We Knew
20 Lionel Willis: Flight
20 June Drysdale: Winter is Prodigal
21 Patrick H. Thomas: Two Poems
22 Tom Malcolm: Not the Little Kings...
22 Hugh Finn: At Grass-Level: Central Africa
23 W. Theodore Black: By the Sea
24 J. A. S. Evans: Two Poems
24 Evelyn Adams: Indian River Dam
25 Fred Swayze: The Mouse in Brant's Tomb
26 William McIlvaney: Goodbye, Forsyth: (To a Boy Leaving School)
27 Lucien Stryk: And They Call This Living
28 Tracy Thompson: Four Poems
29 W. R. Chadwick: Mrs. McGombie Brown
42 M. Parr: Genesis
43 Margaret Secrist: The Lashing
44 Fred Cogswell: The Guest
44 Louis Ginsberg: Quiet in the House
45 Vida C. Ungaro: The Unvisited
45 Fanny Ventadour: Low Tide
46 Aaron Kramer: Mr. Lucky and the Wind
48 William Prouty: Two Poems
49 Jean Boudin: — And You Shall Find
49 Marilyn Machum: The Aspirant
50 Jack Collom: Two Poems
52 Mabel Macdonald Carver: Two Poems
53 Edmund L. Binsfeld: Surrender
54 Marion Schoeberlein: The World to One
54 Dorothy Fraser: Frobisher Bay
55 Livingston Welch: Country of the Shadows
55 Menke Katz: Mirror-Writing
56 Friedrich Holderlin (trans. K. W. Maurer): Poem
56 Carol Jeffrey: Ancient Rite
57 Marvin Malone: A Caution for Just-Born Poets, Buzzing Actively
57 Eric Thompson: Pondering
58 Carrie Ward Lyon: Testament
59 Harry Howith: Trees and Grass
59 Myrtle Reynolds Adams: Lady of Means
60 Robert R. Reed, Jr.: The Fledgling
60 Tom Marshall: Lisan
61 Dorothy Rath: Two Poems
62 Carolyn Hoggins: The Cloak of Love
62 David Nott: Child Thoughts
63 Leonard C. Smith: Four Ages of Man
Four Ages of Man, Jay Macpherson
65 Fred Cogswell: Good But Not Great
Poems, Alan Dugan
The Plink Savoir, Robin Mathews
Image of Life, Charles Shaw
The Sea is Also a Garden, Phyllis Webb
Avalon revisited
hello..did you find it? i'm
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