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No. 56 (Spring 1963)


40      Alden Nowlan: Anointed with Oils
48      Loy Otis Banks: The Emulators

2        Milton Acorn: Fifty-eight Poems

57       Fred Cogswell: Three Arc-Light Gaps
           Jawbreakers, Milton Acorn
59       Fred Cogswell: Some Translations
           Sun-Stone, Octavio Paz, trans. Peter Miller
           St.-Denys Garneau & Anne Hebert, trans. F. R. Scott
           The Forehead's Lyre, Lars von Hartman, trans. Doris Huestis
61       Desmond Pacey: Three Good Books
           A Shifting Pattern, Peter Miller
           The Things Which Are, Alden Nowlan
           Collected Poems, A. J. M. Smith
64       Lauriat Lane, Jr.: A Comic Poet
           Balls for a One-Armed Juggler, Irving Layton
65       Eli Mandel: Five New Brunswick Poets
           Five New Brunswick Poets: Elizabeth Brewster, Fred Cogswell, Robert Gibbs, Alden Nowlan, and Kay Smith.

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