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No. 58 (Autumn 1963)


30     Patricia Vicari: Music is Water

1       Fred Cogswell: Two Poems
2       John Drew: Three Poems
4       Earle Birney: Poem
7       V. A. Coleman: IV
8       Alden Nowlan: Three Poems
9       Robert Gibbs: Two Poems
12     Raymond Fraser: poets of smoke
12     Betty Neilson: Impregnable
13     Elizabeth Brewster: Three Poems
14     Leroy Johnson: Two Poems
15     Alfred G. Bailey: Elm
16     Tom Taylor: On the Greenlove Vine
17     William Prouty: Romance
17     Gregory M. Cook: To be Unfaithful to Her
18     Carole-Lynn Jeffrey: Poem
18     M. E. Drew: Libellula
19     Lenore Kandel: Three Poems
20     Aaron Kramer: Inheritance
25     George Gott: Strawberries
26     August Derleth: Brook Talk at Night
26     Robert Nye: The Grasshopper
27     Bluebell Phillips: Regression
27     T. Middlebro: Salmon Run
28     Guy Gauthier: Two Poems
28     Betty Jane Wylie: Two Poems
42     Maxine Cassin: The Storm
42     Bruce Mowat: To a Virgin
43     Michael Parr: Two Poems
44     Larry Eigner: Poem
44     Thelma Reid Lower: The Apple Tree will not Bend Boughs
45     Tom Eadie: Two Poems
46     Jack Lowther Wilson: The Gull
46     Trevor Goodger-Hill: Two Poems
47     M. Morris: Two Poems
48     Leila Pepper: And This is the Way It Will Be
49     Luella Booth: David
49     Padraig O Broin: Five Poems
51     Stella Jaye: Oh! Snail Most Delicate
52     Tom Marshall: partitions
53     Tracy Thompson: Eleven Poems
58     Sadie Robertson: Anonymous— for Tracy Thompson
58     Anne Margaret Angus: Autumn— Late
59     Dorothy Farmiloe: Summer Storm
60     Consuelo Stahl: Sea-Longing Song Inland
62     Leah Bodine Drake: The Morning
62     Charles Edward Eaton: Voyeur
63     David Pinson: Pipe Dreams
64     Rainer Maria Rilke (trans. K. W. Maurer): Autumn
64     Terry Ellen Todd: Love

65     Robert Gibbs: Blind Man's Holiday, R. G. Everson
67     Lauriat Lane, Jr.: The Greatness of Robinson Jeffers
         The Beginning and the End and Other Poems, Robinson Jeffers
71     Fred Cogswell: Essence of Gold, Goldsmith Kittle
         Moods in Three Octaves, Armitage Hargreaves
         The Moon is Red, Helen Sue Isely
         The Castle and the Flaw, Felix Pollak

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